Saturday 22 March 2014




"Is this dagger which i see before me,
The handle toward my hand?
Come, let me clutch thee!
I have thee not, and yet I see thee still."
-Shakespeare -  Macbeth

…here Shakespeare utilizes apostrophe when he scripts Macbeth envisioning an imaginary dagger which is symbolic of the internal conflict he feels owing to his estranged mental state before murdering Duncan…

..the etymology of the word apostrophe comes from the Greek (to turn away) and this is exactly what we see happening at MEDJUGORJE…the turning away of the faithful from the Church as it is towards a fabricated Church as it is not or as it exists in the minds of those who construct an imaginary notion of what they wish it to be… literature apostrophe is a figure of speaking whereby one detaches themself from reality and addresses an imaginary character...such a device allows one to describe a latent feeling or to frame an abstract idea so as to make it more palpable.. by utilizing all traditional means of discernment that have been established by Churchmen and women throughout the ages one comes to the plausible conclusion that what we see occurring at MEDJUGORJE is a spiritual apostrophe...


...whereby people are trying to express through visions and fantasy betrayals of the world and loneliness which have made their lives dreary and organizing themselves around this spiritual apostrophe they are better able to come to terms with their inner psychological this way such a make believe phenomenon helps assuage their inner turmoil...


..however such cleaving to things apparently seen signal something wrong with the faith..since the faith is characterized by hope in the things not seen which bolsters a spiritual poverty and humility towards authority of Christ and his Agents... this is why we see so much disobedience to Church authority at MEDJUGORJE since such adherents have attached themselves to spiritual apostrophe which deals in abstraction and feeling which are the fruits of the self and entirely subjective...while the Church deals with a spirituality that is concrete and actual since it emanates from God who is pure act and pure reality....

..let us all protect ourselves from error and encompass ourselves by an aspect of recollection in silence and truth as it flows from God as he really is not as we wish him to be.....amen

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