Tuesday 9 September 2014





..There  was once or most actually now exists  a Drunk who during a bleary November rain noticed his living room ceiling was leaking...after this drunk taking on a night of disciplined carousing awoke to the patter of rain drops on his forehead askew on the living room floor...intruded upon by his drunken requiem and the sloth of his past ..his roof had become quite rotten..since he was a devoted drinker he spent most of his money on drink and least on upkeep of his house..now after a delicate reality bite he decided to take action...and he dressed rather abstractedly and hurried out to the hardware store to fetch a can of pitch..

..after procuring the pitch he proceeded..to charge up into his attic and paint the entire threshold with leak stop...now after admiring his handiwork...he left the scene of his good deeds..and put forth into more imbibing..after the prescribed hours had passed he decided to check his handiwork..yet his attic was without lights and so he brought a cigarette torch with him..once availed of the right angle of sight he proceeded to light the torch to emit the required amount of light so he could survey the scene..when to his surprise the leak-stop being quite flammable wicked alight....

..in his furious bewildered consternation he deliberated quickly yet brilliantly he thought and using the most available source of water proceeded to urinate on his attic ceiling..for he reasoned he had not the time to trapse back to the kitchen.to fetch the water..and lucky to his enterprising spirit he had consumed quite enough beer to produce enough urine with which to quell the flames...

..now to his delight he reasoned that the moral nut of his dilemma had been cracked...
...drunkeness is good since it yields positive consequences...

.. he had decided that if he had not been so drunk his house would have burned down..since he would not have been able to pronounce from his body as much urine as he did...

..what a clever chap...

...the logical fallacy of moral equivalence seeks to make the end justify the means..such a sort of logical appeal to consequences usually results from the fruit of a subjective disposition and lack of prudence...from such reasoning many other fallacious arguments arise..so one sees at MEDJUGORJE as a result of appeal to consequence of a belief and due to rash presumption and spiritual acedia and lack of careful deliberation we have many pundits cleaving to the fantasy mind projection fallacy...

..As Jesus educated using simple parables we can take the above anecdote of the drunk and the Church to mean the difference between those who are not drunk on the affections and passions..and those who have used reasonable deliberation and proceeded with cautioned vis Church norms...

..so similar to the habitual drunk many souls lean on the bad habit of relying on the passions and they do not use an intellect tamed by prudence...and so the holes in their spiritual house (creeping syncretism) they seek to patch with more unordained prayer & disobedience (pitch ..black as sin) and they seek to put out the fire in God’s house caused by sloth and rash presumption ..with more defiance of the living magisterium..they use their own bodily spiritual effluviance  (lack of discretion) rather than the water of grace (holy-obedience) as it emanates from the infinite merits of Christ and the saints...the communion of the saints...yet this is madness...and since they feel better about themselves they believe they are doing a great service to the Church..and so they fall into the fallacy of paralysis of analysis & the fallacy of justification...consequentialism..and consequently we lose the scope of the principles which the rock of faith are founded...


..instead of taking what the local Ordinary has to say to heart and abiding by Church canons 823 & 824..such souls obstinate to reproof and fraternal correction are doing more harm to unity within the house of God..while they are blind to the damage done due to pride and inordinate self- love....


..let us all contain our unordained affections..and for the sake of unity of cause proffer discernment to the apposite sources..so that we proceed as a strong Church miltant...united...amen

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